Mystery water H302 aka the 'fourth phase' of water


Mystery water H302 aka the 'fourth phase' of water

In the recent past there has been some fundamental, truly miraculous scientific information about water abroad... According to Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Gerald Pollack and his team of scientists at the University of Washington have discovered that water functions in the human body in a 'fourth phase' (and not just there). The existence of this previously unexplored, though remarkably common, phase of water explains a number of hitherto mysterious physical phenomena. Above all, however, it has major implications for human health: it is living water if you will.


A ground-breaking discovery: The fourth phase of water

Water is obviously one of the most important factors for our health – especially when we consider that our body is actually made up of water molecules for the most part. Water is often the most underestimated variable in the equation of optimal health. Gerald Pollack's book 'The Fourth Phase of Water' reads like a detective story and at the same time is easy to understand even for the layman. In it, the author clearly explains his theory of the fourth phase of water, which is truly ground-breaking. In short, the fourth phase is living water. In the English-speaking world, it is referred to as EZ water, which is an abbreviation of the term 'exclusion zone', which is, simply put, remarkable because it has a negative electrical charge that allows it to store energy, like a battery, and release it again. The reason why the fourth group is called the 'exclusion zone', or EZ, lies in the findings of Dr Pollack and his team that this fourth phase pushes other molecules, even small ones, out of itself.

Surprisingly, EZ water is quite abundant in nature – even in most of our cells. Dr Pollack has studied human muscles and the way they work for many years. He found it strange that the most common ideas about muscle contraction do not involve water at all, even though our muscle tissue contains 99% water molecules. How can this be ignored? And how could a muscle contract without water somehow being involved in the process? It was these questions that directed his further exploration of water.

Do we know everything about water?

Dr Pollack, citing his research and that of other pioneers in this field of study, says that the water in human cells is not ordinary water, but something much more structured and organised. "I started thinking about water in the context of biology – if water in cells is ordered and structured, not volumetric like ordinary, run-of-the-mill water, as most biochemists and cell engineers believe, then it's really something extremely important," says Dr Pollack. In his book he also discusses some important properties of water, many of which we don't really understand. For example, how does evaporation take place? Why does the tea kettle whistle? Although conventional 'scientific wisdom' says that ice forms at zero degrees Celsius, experiments show that water can actually freeze at temperatures ranging from zero to minus fifty degrees Celsius. In fact water does not actually have a stable freezing point! Other experiments show that 100 degrees Celsius is also not necessarily the boiling point of water. But this is far from the strangest property of water.

Water shouldn't do that

"British scientist Martin Chaplin has put together a website listing all sorts of anomalies related to water," says Dr Pollack. "These things shouldn't exist, based on what we know about water... The more anomalies we find, the more we start to think we don't know something quite fundamental about water. And that's what I'm trying to figure out. I've done a lot of experiments in our lab at the University of Washington over the last ten years. These clearly prove the existence of another water state". The reason why the fourth group is called the 'exclusion zone', or EZ, lies in the findings of Dr Pollack and his team that this fourth phase pushes other molecules, even small ones, out of itself. Surprisingly, EZ water is quite abundant in nature – even in most of our cells. The intercellular tissues are also filled with this water.

 A different kind of water

Other key differences between 'ordinary' and EZ water relate to its structure. Normal tap water is H2O, but this fourth phase is not H2O – it is H3O2. It is also much more viscous, much more ordered and more alkaline than ordinary water, and even its optical properties are different. The refractive index of EZ water is approximately 10% higher than that of ordinary water. Its density is also about 10% higher and it has a negative charge (negative electric potential). These findings may be the answer to the question of why the cells of the human body have a negative charge. Although it is commonly claimed that this negative charge is somehow related to membranes and ion channels, Dr Pollack reports that his experiments led to the conclusion that the same negative charge is present in the gel-like contents of the cells themselves, which contain no membrane. He adds: "I am convinced that this negative potential is supplied to the cells by water, because EZ water has a negative charge. The same is true of the gel – EZ water gives the gel a negative charge. I think the cells are negatively charged because the water in them is mostly EZ water, not neutral H2O."

 A 'Transitional state': Water in which there is light

One of the biggest surprises is that the key ingredient to create EZ water is light, that is, electromagnetic energy, whether in the form of visible light, ultraviolet (UV) or infrared wavelengths of approximately three micrometres, which is all around us. H3O2 water can form on any hydrolipic or hydrophilic surface when infrared light is available. Infrared light deposits one layer of H3O2 water on top of another, and in this way can stack millions of molecular layers. That is how it happens in nature. For example, ice does not form from ordinary H2O – H3O2 water forms first and then ice from it. And when you melt ice, H3O2 water is formed first and then ordinary water. H3O2 water is therefore a kind of transition phase. "Melted glaciers are the perfect way to get H3O2 water. And many people know that this water is actually excellent for health," adds Dr Pollack.

Physically measurable sanctity

By testing water samples with a UV and visible spectrometer, which measures light absorption at different wavelengths, Dr Pollack found that in the 270 nanometre region, just beyond the visible range, H3O2 water actually absorbs light. The more light the water absorbs, the more H3O2 water is contained in the sample. EZ water also seems to be quite stable. This means that it can maintain the structure even if you leave it alone for a while. Dr Pollack measured water samples from the Ganges River and Lourdes, and these samples showed frequent 'spikes' in the 270 nanometre region, indicating that these 'sacred waters' have high EZ water content. According to Dr Pollack, there is compelling evidence that EZ water can actually save lives or help maintain their quality. Why does sauna and sunshine do us good? Heating actually provides infrared energy to the water. Dr Pollack has found that when you expose an environment containing water to infrared waves, the amount of H3O2 water increases. The implications of this discovery are quite profound – imagine, for example, the health benefits of sitting in an infrared sauna! The reason you feel so good after an infrared sauna is, among other things, the fact that infrared radiation has penetrated your cells, creating and storing EZ water. The same applies to light therapy, time in the sun and laser therapy. "There are different types of light therapies that use different wavelengths. We have found that all wavelengths of light and, particularly some, even faint light, produce EZ water. If EZ water is vital to the health of our cells, which I think is clear, these therapies have a clear physicochemical basis," explains Dr Pollack.

More oxygen

H3O2 water in our body is also essential for hyperbaric medicine, which also heals injuries well. In this case the tissues are exposed to oxygen under pressure. "The results are becoming apparent. We believe we understand the mechanism why hyperbaric oxygen is so effective in healing injuries... H3O2 water also has a higher density than tap water. When you take H2O and put it under pressure, you should get H3O2 water as the EZ structure is denser than H2O. We tried it through experiments and found that this is indeed the case – when you put H2O under pressure, you get H3O2." The same is true for oxygen. EZ also has more oxygen than H2O and vice versa – when you increase the oxygen content, you get more EZ water. According to Dr Pollack's  research, water also gains tremendous energy from swirling. There are currently several groups of scientists in Europe studying this phenomenon. As already mentioned, H3O2 water is alkaline and carries a negative electrical charge. It is clear that further research is needed in this area, and researchers are already working on some of the issues. When it comes to natural sources of H3O2 water for drinking, glacial water is the ideal source. Unfortunately, this is unavailable to most people.

Source: , book: 'The Fourth Phase of Water' G.H. Pollack